REGARDER EN ARRIERE ET AVANCER, en d’autres termes tirer les enseignements de l’histoire pour éviter le perpétuel recommencement. Quelle contribution, nous, Avocats Européens Démocrates pouvons nous apporter à ce projet, de quelles vigilances devons nous faire preuve pour aller vers plus de droits fondamentaux et d’égalité chez nous, et entre les hommes, le monde étant […]

30 years of Activism

The association European Democratic Lawyers, AED-EDL is celebrating 30 years of work in defence of the rights of citizens. This federation of European lawyers has aimed at preserving the independence of lawyers with regard to any power, be it political, social, economic or ordinal. Much has changed since 1987:Back then, the European Union seemed to […]

Report on the International lawyer conference in Ankara

Report by Hans Gaasbeek about the international lawyer conference held in Ankara (Turkey) between the 13th and 15thof January, 2017 The ‘International Conference On Law, State of Emergency And Judicial System in Turkey’ was co-organized by different European lawyer organizations like: the AED (European Democratic Lawyers), the ELDH (European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights) and the Foundation Day […]

The day of the Endangered Lawyer

The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is an initiative started by AED‐EDL in 2010, on behalf of the lawyers of Iran. The date of 24 January was chosen in remembrance of the assassination of 4 trade union lawyers and one employee in Atocha Street of Madrid in 1977 (Massacre of Atocha), during the Spanish transiciòn […]