Concern due to measures imposed on lawyers

PRESS RELEASE Concern due to the disproportionate precautionary measures imposed against Arantza Zulueta, Jon Enparantza and José Campo The Association of Democratic Lawyers previously expressed their concern about the arrest and the hardness of the precautionary measures taken against the Basque Lawyers Arantza Zulueta, Jon Enparantza and José Campo and also denounced the persecution of […]

Arrest of three Basque Lawyers

PRESS RELEASE London, Düsseldorf, Farciennes 21 July 2014 The European Lawyers Associations AED and ELDH have received information concerning several situations of grave concern in relation with the pressure and persecution Basque lawyers are suffering. First, we express our concern over the arrest and imprisonment of the three Basque lawyers Jon Enparantza, Arantza Zulueta and […]


PETITION WITH URGENT REQUESTS TO THE SPANISH AUTHORITIES PRESIDENT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN, MR. MARIANO RAJOY BREY AND ALL MEMBERS OF THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT 3rd day of the Endangered Lawyers – 24th January 2013 European lawyers demand: Basque lawyers in Spain must enjoy the free exercise of their professional duties During the last two […]


TO THE CONSEJO GENERAL DE LA ABOGACÍA ESPAÑOLA (GENERAL COUNCIL OF SPANISH LAWYERS) The international Association of which I am president, the European Democratic Lawyers (AED) has had knowledge of serious procedural incidents during the oral hearings being held at the 3rd Section of the Audiencia Nacional (Case 18/98), through several of our members who […]