Comparison of the legal aid systems in Europe: which standards for an effective legal aid?

Date 29th september 2023 Time : 15h-18h Place : La Fleur en Papier Doré, Rue des Alexiens, 53-55 à 1000 Bruxelles Price: free Legal aid, as the provision of assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system, is regarded as central in providing access to justice. Legal aid ensures […]

Defend human rights and the rule of law at Europe’s borders!

Push-backs, violence and inhumane treatment in violation of international law have become a permanent reality at Europe’s borders. They put people seeking protection in danger of their lives, as the deaths at the Polish-Belarusian border have also shown. Refugees are dehumanized by being called a “political weapon” or “a form of hybrid threat” by leading […]

Resolution on European border control in the Mediterranean Sea

IADL, AED and ELDH condemn the tactics employed by the European Union and other European countries member to the Schengen/Dublin Area through their agents and agencies, particularly Frontex, to repel and collectively expulse migrants seeking to enter Europe by sea from Turkey and North Africa. IADL, AED and ELDH call for a radical defunding of […]

the protection of European borders prevails over the right to asylum

The European Court of Human Right (ECHR) just took a decision in favour of the Spanish authorities, by endorsing the practice known as “push-back” of people trying to reach the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Although another body of the Court had already condemned Spain in 2017 for this illegal practice[1], its Grand Chamber […]

Police Complaint Mechanism

POLICE COMPLAINT MECHANISM In cases of violence committed by police officers against citizens, the police itself usually investigates crimes allegedly committed by their colleagues. Often camaraderie reigns and police officers protect each other. As a result, most of the cases are dismissed. In addition, in the very few cases that go to court, judges hold […]


Haarlem, September 18, 2019   The Board and the Coordinator of the Foundation Day of the Endangered Lawyer are deeply shocked by the horrifying murder attack this morning in Amsterdam on the human rights lawyer Derk Wiersum, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Our thoughts are with his family members and friends.   Our Foundation notes […]


AVOCATS/MAGISTRATS DUO/DUEL Colloque 26 mai 2018 Maison des Associations Internationales (40, Rue de Washington, Bruxelles) CONCLUSIONS Dans son rapport présenté au Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU en juin 2017, le Rapporteur Spécial sur l’Indépendance des Juges et des Avocats a constaté, notamment, que : L’état de droit ne peut être protégé que s’il […]