7th Day Of the Endangered Lawyer with the focus on the persecuted and harassed Chinese lawyers on the 24th of January 2017 in around 30 cities

Every January 24th lawyers around the world support endangered lawyers in other countries by holding protests in front of the Embassies and Consulates of a designated country, holding meetings, press conferences and other activities. This time the designated country will be China, which unleashed a massive crackdown against lawyers in July 2015. Before these mass arrests, […]

Lawyers in Honduras

In Honduras, the practice of law has become a high-risk profession for those who practice it. They risk assassination, abductions and threats to their families. Since the 2009 coup d’état there have been human rights violations that have gravely affected the Honduran population, their effects and repercussions have continued, persisted, and made the situation of […]

The day of the Endangered Lawyer

The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is an initiative started by AED‐EDL in 2010, on behalf of the lawyers of Iran. The date of 24 January was chosen in remembrance of the assassination of 4 trade union lawyers and one employee in Atocha Street of Madrid in 1977 (Massacre of Atocha), during the Spanish transiciòn […]


PRESS RELEASE Lawyers under Death Threat in the Philippines Lawyers all over Europe protest this day in Ankara, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Bern, Bilbao, Brussels, Düsseldorf, The Hague, Istanbul, Izmir, London, Madrid, Manila, Milan, Paris, Rome and Vienna. This year the Day of the endangered Lawyer is focussed on lawyers in the Philippines who are murdered […]

Letter to the Philippine Ambassador in France

SYNDICAT DES AVOCATS DE FRANCE Le président   Madame l’Ambassadeur, Le Syndicat des Avocats de France, membre de l’organisation européenne AED (Avocats Européens Démocrates), a été alerté sur la situation de nos confrères philippins qui n’a cessé de se dégrader malgré plusieurs alertes internationales. Le nombre d’agressions et d’assassinats d’avocats philippins n’a cessé d’augmenter, sans […]

Great success of the day of the endangered lawyer

On the 24th of January, hundreds of lawyers demonstrated in front of Turkish embassies and consulates all over Europe to protest against the attacks suffered by Turkish lawyers. Around fifty lawyers were arrested in Turkey in November 2011. They were accused of complicity with their clients who are part of the KCK network (Turkish civil […]