After gathering in Madrid on the morning of February 9th, 2019 and discussing the impending Catalan Referendum Trial, which will begin in the Spanish Supreme Court on February 12th, 2019, Avocats Européens Democrates-European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL) has reached the following CONCLUSIONS: 1.- There is concern that all the procedural guarantees may not be met during […]


Nadie en Europa puede decir que desconoce la situación de vulnerabilidad extrema en que se encuentran las personas migrantes que se trasladan desde países de Oriente próximo y África hasta Europa, debido a las situaciones de guerra y/o crisis humanitaria que sufren. El drama de los/as refugiados/as, que ha convertido el mar Mediterráneo en un […]

COMMUNIQUE: sur l’extradition de Cesare Battisti

Cesare Battisti, ancien membre du groupe “Les Prolétaires Armés pour le Communisme” durant les ‘années de plomb’, vient d’être extradé de Bolivie, où il venait de se réfugier après l’arrivée au pouvoir au Brésil, où il résidait auparavant, du candidat d’extrême-droite Jaïr Bolsonaro. En 1988 il a été condamné par la Cour d’assises de Milan, […]


On the  7th, 8th and 9th September, the AED took part in the  2nd International Conference on Law: The Normalization of the state of emergency and the situation of the judiciary in Turkey. Here is the complete programme of the event: And here are some of the contributions: On the State of Emergency in France […]

Law Professor retained in The Philippines

The Foundation DAY OF ENDANGERED LAWYER and the AED (European Democratic Lawyers) denounce the inadmissible treatment inflicted by the Philippine authorities on the Australian law professor Gill Boehringer, a fervent defender of human rights and minorities in the Philippines.   The 8th of August upon arrival in Manila to join his wife of Philippine nationality, […]

Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2018

Today in Egypt, human rights activists, lawyers, political activists and independent journalists, all have to live with their phone calls being tapped, endless smear campaigns and hate speech from state-affiliated media as well as continuous harassment and intimidation from the authorities. Egypt is going through the most serious human rights crisis in its history. Every […]

Lettre au Président de la République

Bruxelles, Paris, Barcelone, le 4 janvier 2018   Monsieur le Président de la République, Demain vous allez recevoir RECEP ERDOGAN, Président de la Turquie. Quelques soient les enjeux diplomatiques ou autres existant entre nos pays, vous ne pouvez ignorer la situation de non-droit dans laquelle se trouvent aujourd’hui des avocats, des magistrats, des parlementaires, des […]

New Arrests / Nouvelles Arrestations

The AED demands that the Turkish Government stop all hostility against human rights lawyers. The numerous irregular and arbitrary detentions are an authoritarian and repressive response against Turkish lawyers, charged with terrorism or activities against the state. The Republic of Turkey is a member of the Council of Europe and must therefore respect and promote […]