Since mid-September, these lawyers are detained in Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakır. The number of lawyers prosecuted in Turkey is 1343 after this last wave of raids against lawyers. 524 of them have been arrested since the staged coup attempt in July 2016. There are lawyers from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Catalonia, Belgium, Spain, […]
Tag archives: human rights
Naples Conference on Mediterranean Lawyers
We thank the organizing associations of this meeting for their work and for their kind invitation. Many lawyers of our association from various European countries are present today to follow our work carefully. The AED (European Democratic Lawyers Association), in which Italy is present through the association “Legalteam Italia”, has always contained in its structure […]
On the repression in Catalonia on the 1st of October 2017
The events that have taken place on the 1st of October in Catalonia are very concerning for a Democracy. Therefore, we severely condemn the actions taken by the Policía Nacional and the Guardia Civil, which have violated the fundamental rights of the people, like the right to health and physical integrity, the right to political […]
Free our 16 colleagues
Free our 14 colleagues, members of ÇHD (Progressive Lawyers Association), arrested in Turkey: Barkın Timtik Ebru Timtik Süleyman Gökten Ezgi Çakır Ahmet Mandacı Yağmur Ereren Aytaç Ünsal Didem Baydar Ünsal Ayşegül Çağatay Engin Gökoğlu Behiç Aşçı Aycan Çiçek Şükriye Erden Özgür Yılmaz Zehra Özdemir Naciye Demir We have been informed that our […]
30 years of Activism
The association European Democratic Lawyers, AED-EDL is celebrating 30 years of work in defence of the rights of citizens. This federation of European lawyers has aimed at preserving the independence of lawyers with regard to any power, be it political, social, economic or ordinal. Much has changed since 1987:Back then, the European Union seemed to […]
Contro gli arresti degli avvocati in Turchia
Communicato di LegalTeam Italia. Desta grandissimo allarme la notizia dell’arresto di 23 colleghi in Turchia, accusati di far parte dell’organizzazione di Fetullah Gulem: accusa ormai adoperata dal governo turco per colpire e sbarazzarsi di ogni tipo di oppositori, o anche solo liberi pensatori non allineati con la politica del presidente Erdogan. Nei casi di questi […]
Western Sahara / Sahara Occidental
FRENCH: Réunie le 10 juin 2017 à Amsterdam, l’ AED marque sa solidarité avec nos consoeurs Ingrid METTON et Olfa OULED, avocates au Barreau de Paris qui ont été victime d’une expulsion violente de la salle d’audience du Tribunal de Rabat. Igrid METTON et Olfa OULED participaient le 16 mai 2017 à la défense de membres […]
Defending and Protecting Lawyers Under Attack:
A Background Paper for the Pan African Lawyers Union Conference, Nairobi, October 12-15, 2016 Introduction The authors of this paper are Gill H. Boehringer and Stuart Russell of the International Association of People’s Lawyers. The IAPL was created in 2000 to gather lawyers involved in the legal support of collective struggles for people’s rights and […]
Le glas de la démocratie ne cesse de sonner en Turquie
COMMUNIQUE CONJOINT MEDEL – AED-EDL Le glas de la démocratie ne cesse de sonner en Turquie et le référendum constitutionnel tendant à donner les pleins pouvoirs à Recep Tayyip Edogan le fera résonner une nouvelle fois. La fin de l’état de droit démocratique en TURQUIE Tout se passe dans un contexte de répression arbitraire allant […]
A Joint Statement by Legal Professional Groups & Human Rights NGOs on the forthcoming trials of the cases of the 709 Crackdown To: All Press and Media (for immediate release) From: China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network (TCLN) Subject: A Joint Statement […]