On the  7th, 8th and 9th September, the AED took part in the  2nd International Conference on Law: The Normalization of the state of emergency and the situation of the judiciary in Turkey. Here is the complete programme of the event: And here are some of the contributions: On the State of Emergency in France […]

Law Professor retained in The Philippines

The Foundation DAY OF ENDANGERED LAWYER and the AED (European Democratic Lawyers) denounce the inadmissible treatment inflicted by the Philippine authorities on the Australian law professor Gill Boehringer, a fervent defender of human rights and minorities in the Philippines.   The 8th of August upon arrival in Manila to join his wife of Philippine nationality, […]

Turkey’s State of Emergency

Our colleague Ceren Uysal participated recently in a press conference in Vienna dealing with the current situation in Turkey. We publish here her contribution.   First of all I would like to thank you for the opportunity to describe my point of view on what has been going on in Turkey recently. It means a […]

New Arrests / Nouvelles Arrestations

The AED demands that the Turkish Government stop all hostility against human rights lawyers. The numerous irregular and arbitrary detentions are an authoritarian and repressive response against Turkish lawyers, charged with terrorism or activities against the state. The Republic of Turkey is a member of the Council of Europe and must therefore respect and promote […]


Since mid-September, these lawyers are detained in Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakır.   The number of lawyers prosecuted in Turkey is 1343 after this last wave of raids against lawyers. 524 of them have been arrested since the staged coup attempt in July 2016.   There are lawyers from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Catalonia, Belgium, Spain, […]

New Protests in front of Turkish Consulates in Europe

We are demonstrating today in front of the Turkish Consulate in Hamburg, The Hague, Brussels and Milan to protest the recent arrest of 16 of our colleagues from Turkey. Since mid-September, they are detained in Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakır. We are especially concerned about the situation of lawyers Barkın Timtik, Engin Gökoglu and Özgür Yılmaz. […]

Naples Conference on Mediterranean Lawyers

We thank the organizing associations of this meeting for their work and for their kind invitation. Many lawyers of our association from various European countries are present today to follow our work carefully. The AED (European Democratic Lawyers Association), in which Italy is present through the association “Legalteam Italia”, has always contained in its structure […]

Wenn Anwaelten die Verteidigung ihrer Mandanten zum Vorwurf gemacht wird

23. Juni 2017, 12:57 Antiterrorverfahren betreffen in der Türkei auch Verteidiger. Über die Bedeutung internationaler Prozessbeobachtung vor und nach dem Putschversuch 2016 Nach dem Putschversuch im Juli 2016 wurde in der Türkei der Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen. Zehntausende Beamte, darunter Richter und Staatsanwälte, wurden entlassen. Zwischen 80.000 und 90.000 Menschen wurden festgenommen. Die Haftbedingungen verletzen internationale Standards. […]

Libérez immédiatement Taner Kiliç

Arrestation de l’Avocat Turc, Taner Kiliç, président d’Amnesty Turquie.   Les Avocats Européens Démocrates (AED), réunis en Bureau à Amsterdam dénoncent la campagne répressive contraire aux Droits Fondamentaux du gouvernement turc contre les défendeurs des Droits de l’Homme et demandent le remise en liberté immédiate de leur confrère arrêté le 6 juin dernier. Taner Kiliç […]

Defending and Protecting Lawyers Under Attack:

A Background Paper for the Pan African Lawyers Union Conference, Nairobi, October 12-15, 2016 Introduction The authors of this paper are Gill H. Boehringer and Stuart Russell of the International Association of People’s Lawyers.  The IAPL was created in 2000 to gather lawyers involved in the legal support of collective struggles for people’s rights and […]